Under the law n°2004-575 from the 21st of June 2004 relating to the confidence in the digital economy, you will find below the legal information regarding this website:

Protection of personal data
According to the law of Data Protection of the 6th January 1978 (art. 34), you have the right to access, correct or delete any personal data we could have collected (personal data are provided by you only).

All articles and materials on this website are under the Creative Commons license. You can download and use them for educational purposes. We ask you to keep the source.In spite of all the care we have for the development and regular update of this website, errors may have slipped in the information and/or materials. Please do not hesitate to notify us of any mistakes you encounter and we shall make the necessary changes.

Hypertext links
This website contains hypertext links to websites which are not edited by our website manager.
Hence, the publication director cannot be held responsible for the websites’ content the internet user can have access to.

Responsible editor
This website is the property of Drop-In Water Jump Parc.
The publications manager is the Drop-In Team.
The webmasters are Quentin Thiaucourt and Luc Borho

Realization, website hosting
This website is developed by Quentin Tiaucourt and Luc Borho.
The content is made by the Drop-In Water Jump Parc Team and the leisure parks Drop-In managers body.

The website is hosted by :
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.